Make a site that people want to view and content people want to share.
Sounds easy!! It should be, but more often than not websites get neglected and webmasters can panic using black hat SEO or less experienced webmasters are dazzled by the thousands of backlinks offered from software in spammy forums. Those that have over used black hat tactics could be about to pay the penalty in the next Google update. Penguin 2.0
Take a look at what Matt Cutts from the Google webspam team has to say about the upcoming update including website goals, content, link spamming, paying for links, hack sites and niche authority sites.
Google has already hit several thousand link sellers this month in its fight against ‘Google search crime’. Don’t panic though, if your website has a clean bill of health and you haven’t been using dodgy link networks you should be fine, if not cross your fingers!!!
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