
SEO & Marketing Updates In June 2020


Not a month goes by in the world of SEO when something isn’t changing or making the news. Which means when maintaining a strong web presence, it is now more business-critical than ever to keep updated with the consistent changes so that you and your website don’t get left behind. Despite the world recovering from […]

SEO & Marketing Updates In May 2020


Just because there’s a global pandemic, doesn’t mean the digital world stops. Far from it in fact, as May has seen some of the most significant changes yet in SEO and marketing since 2020 began. With an algorithm update to contend with and some major revelations from our favourite digital platforms, there’s plenty to keep […]

To Podcast or Not To Podcast – That is the Question


If you’ve been toying with the idea to start a podcast, now is a better time than any. And if you’re wondering just what the rush is, the exciting news is that Google has announced they will now begin to include podcasts in search results.  It gets far more interesting, as Google has also said […]

The Marketing Lessons to be learnt from the Fyre Festival

marketing lessons fyre festival

If you haven’t seen the Netflix documentary Fyre Festival, we strongly recommend you add this to your viewing list before you read on, as there’s not only a few spoiler alerts in this feature, but it will highlight to you some of the most basic marketing failings any organisation can make. The brutal and stark […]

Are you in need of a website audit?

The new year is the perfect opportunity to revitalise your website and think about the digital impact your business would like to make for the year ahead. You should know by now that a website is the shop front of your business, and if it’s not looking fresh and truly showing your company in the […]

Why Collaboration Between Developers, Designers and Marketers Is Important


Gone are the days when developers, designers, and marketers were separate entities that had to shout the loudest to be heard. In today’s hyper-digital world, collaboration is the key to success, and only by bringing these three areas inline can businesses truly garner a website that creates the holy grail of engagement and acquisition. Developers […]

What Does GDPR Mean For Your Website?


By now you will be well aware that as of the 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be coming into force across the EU. This regulation has caused quite a stir for a number of reasons. Not only does it introduce tougher fines for businesses with data breaches and non-compliance, a […]

RAD SEO work with Allia to launch new project

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Allia have launched a new website for their Serious Impact programme of structured support, advice and guidance for impact ventures, developed by RAD SEO. Allia is an organisation that creates social impact through enterprise, and their new free-to-access programme of skills, advice and support is being served on a high-quality platform. The website has been built […]

Google local pack set to include paid listings

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New Paid listings heralds the start of new changes for Google Local Pack Google is bringing in yet more changes and it seems as though they could make things more challenging for local businesses. At the SMX Advanced event, Google stated that they are now introducing ads to the local pack that we have become […]

Digital tips for relaunching your brand


In order to keep up with consumer needs in our fast-paced society, businesses often benefit from a fresh new look and marketing strategy. This not only keeps the brand up to date but also reintroduces the product to existing and potential customers alike. In order to ensure that your brand relaunch is as successful as […]

Fake Twitter followers – Playing dirty with Social Media

Why you need to monitor website traffic - SEO

Twitter Fake Followers – Welcome to the dark side Ever noticed someone’s Twitter following increase dramatically overnight? To put it simply there is a good chance they bought themselves some fake followers from one of a number of sources.  If you are on Twitter there is a very good chance you have already been offered […]

Can you match the slogan to the brand?

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Thinking of rebranding in the New Year and currently brainstorming a few slogans? Take a look at our quiz for a little inspiration and see how many of these brands you recognise. Click on the button to load the content from www.proprofs.com. Load content Can you match the slogan to the brand?